Weds Blogcast: Brad Meltzer, Ric Prado, and Rip Rawlings. Seriously.

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy spoke to the American Congress earlier today. The video of his remarks is below. He described the situation in his nation as suffering the equivalent of a Pearl Harbor or 9/11 every day. He also invoked Martin Luther King Jr's "I have a dream" with his own "I have a need." He asked the United States to do everything possible to help Ukraine, with particular (and understandable) focus on military assistance. He asked for a no-fly zone which probably won't happen (at least not soon) and for fighter jets which probably also won't happen soon (though those are more likely than a no-fly zone.) He also pressed for things he likely will get, including surface-to-air missiles and other defensive systems, as well as more humanitarian and financial assistance. Again, I encourage you to watch the video below.

Today's Guests

I actually have three authors today, though one won't be talking about books. They're all quite different and quite interesting and I think you'll dig the show

Brad Meltzer is a best-selling author of both fiction and non-fiction. In the world of thriller novels, his female badass character Nola Brown is, well, badass. Nola and Zig the military mortician return in Brad's new book "The Lightning Rod." Not only is it a very fun read but what Brad learned in his research to write the book is remarkable. The Lightning Rod - A Mystery Novel by Brad Meltzer


Speaking of badass, let's talk to a real-life one: Ric Prado is a former paramilitary operator in the CIA and determined opponent of communism. After coming to the US as a child fleeing Castro's Cuba, Ric spent his young adult years taking on Marxist/Maoist insurgencies in Central America, South America and Asia. His new book "Black Ops: The Life of a CIA Shadow Warrior" is the story of a truly incredible professional career. The kind of career you'd make action movies about. More here: Ric Prado - Black Ops


Hunter Ripley "Rip" Rawlings IV is a decorated (retired) Marine Corps lieutenant colonel. When he saw what was happening in Ukraine, he felt compelled to go and you'll hear my first interview of Rip from Ukraine. Home - Rip Rawlings

Note that the book Rip co-authored with Mark Greaney, "Red Metal", is probably the single best military thriller I've EVER read. I suppose it's something of a Tom Clancy-style story about a Russian invasion of Europe, starting with Poland, so it's VERY close to what's happening now.

Today's Videos

In case you missed it this morning, here is Ukrainian President Zelenskyy's remarks to the United States Congress. In the middle of it he played a video showing the destruction of Ukrainian lives and property by the murderous Vladimir Putin.

OK, this is much less important but I'm including it anyway: I realize this is basically an ad for Stihl chainsaws, but holy moley! This chain saw retails for over $2000 but I'm not sure how you're gonna get this done with anything else outside of a sawmill.

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