Mandy's Thu Blog: Bob Woodson, Thirsty Thursday and a New Documentary

THE 1619 PROJECT ISN'T THE ONLY CURRICULUM IN TOWN Bob Woodson is a fantastic human and American. I've interviewed Bob before and I'm thrilled to have him on today to discuss this new curriculum produced by an organization called 1776 Unites has put together to push back against the fallacies of the 1619 Project. The curriculum is amazing and I strongly encourage you to bring it your schools to use in their history classes, even just as a supplement. It's FREE and you can find all the info at this website.

DEBORAH FLORA HAS A NEW MOVIE OUT ABOUT WHAT'S HAPPENING IN EDUCATION It's called "Whose Children Are They" and it's playing this Monday at theaters nationwide. Deborah did a deep dive into the schism between schools and parents. Find out more here and go see the movie with friends! Tell everyone!

THIRSTY THURSDAY IS ALL ABOUT THE SELTZER I have yet to find one I like but The Wine Yogi Kristal Alfonso SWEARS that I will like Elevated seltzer so here we go. We will also talk about Saint Patty's Day but I'm not sure if there will be green beer. Find all the stuff we're going to talk about here!

LISTEN TO GRANT'S PODCAST WITH DRAGON! I listened to it yesterday and I am here to tell you Dragon is one underappreciated human being. His outlook on life is an inspiration, his weight loss journey is an inspiration and he's just a great guy. Listen to it here.

THE GOP TELLS INDICTED TINA PETERS TO DROP HER CAMPAIGN And good on Kristi Burton Brown and the entire executive team for making this choice. The statement reads:

“It is our belief, as leaders of the Colorado Republican Party, that any Republican candidate who is indicted with felonies by a grand jury and who will be charged by a Republican District Attorney should suspend their campaign while they undergo the legal challenges associated with those indictments. The Republican Party is the Party of law and order and we need every Republican voter focused on getting Republicans and constitutional conservatives elected across Colorado in 2022. Today, we are asking Clerk Peters to consider what is best for the Republican Party in Colorado and act accordingly as she avails herself of our judicial system.”

The bylaws of the party require neutrality but I'm glad they did this. I realize that you can indict a ham sandwich, but she needs to focus on her situation and not be an albatross around the neck of the party. She's truly embarrassing herself at this point and needs to focus on not going to prison instead of a hopeless race she isn't going to win. Read more about the Peters situation here.

UNDER THE GOLD DOME THEY THINK THERE IS A WAR ON DENVER My friend Rose Pugliese wrote a great column about some goings on at the Capitol. Senators were discussing a pittance of funds for rural Colorado when this exchange was caught by Rose via a hot mic the Senators weren't aware of:

Always prioritizing rural communities, Senator Rankin also suggested that $1 million be allocated in the Strategic Fund and prioritized for rural economic development organizations that do not have the resources currently to apply for grants. Then, during a subsequent break, Senator Hansen and fellow Democrat Senator Rachel Zenzinger inadvertently spilled the beans. Not realizing the microphones were still on, Senator Hansen said that the war on Denver continues and if all it takes is $1 million for the Western Slope to not complain about Denver, he’s in. Senator Zenzinger agreed.

If I'm on the Western Slope, I'm asking for a whole lot more now. Just know they hate you, Rural Colorado. They truly do. The good news is that the actions of the Governor have shown rural Colorado and our ranchers and farmers exactly how he and likely other Dems really feel. Read this editorial about that.

CALDARA CALLS OUT GOVERNOR POLIS' ANTI-ENERGY POLICIES AND LIP SERVICE TO UKRAINE And Jon is spot on when he says if Polis really cared about Ukraine he would get out of the way of oil and gas in Colorado instead of offering empty platitudes of concern. He can do something, he just isn't doing it.

OPENING DAY HAS BEEN PUSHED BACK AGAIN BY MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL And I am over this. They need to get this thing done and get it done now and shut up and play. Read more here if you want to be infuriated like I am.

ARE THE DEMOCRATS REALLY NOT GOING TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT FENTANYL THIS LEGISLATIVE SESSION? It sure looks that way according to this Editorial by the Denver Gazette. I especially love how they are saying the problem is too complex to just refelonize fentanyl because then drug addicts who accidentally buy fentanyl thinking it's another illegal drug instead could be caught up by this. So? Perhaps a felony charge with the option to seek treatment to have it dropped down to something less will get them clean. This is disgusting but Colorado Dems embrace a culture of death so why am I surprised?


INFLATION HITS 7.9% THIS MONTH The highest since 1982. Read more here, but the Fed is going to hike rates a quarter or half percent for sure.

FEELING ANXIOUS? PUT ON YOUR FAVORITE TUNES As a new study shows that listening to music really does help with anxiety. What kind of music? It doesn't seem to matter all that much just pick something you love, at least as far as I can tell from this article.

OKAY SERIOUSLY WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH KAMALA? What the hell is she laughing about here? What a freaking embarrassment.

RUSSIA SAYS THEY DIDN'T BOMB THE MATERNITY HOSPITAL THEY BOMBED And have declared it FAKE NEWS! Too bad there are too many international reporters on the ground telling us the real story of the seventeen people killed in that bombing.

ONE OF THE WORLD'S DEADLIEST SNIPERS IS HEADED TO UKRAINE TO HELP He used to serve in the Canadian Armed Forces and has a two MILE kill shot. He says he has to go help Ukraine any way he can. This is why soldiers are different.

NO ONE IS BUYING THAT BIDEN CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT GAS PRICES Because we're not stupid. We saw what happened when we went from anti-oil and gas Obama to pro-energy Trump. It literally JUST happened a few years ago. So when our weak sauce president says he's helpless other than calling despots who won't take his call, we already know he is lying. No one is buying his garbage.

YES, WAR CRIMES ARE BEING COMMITTED IN UKRAINE And now refugee witnesses to the targeting of civilians by Putin's troops are telling the tales. This is horrible. In this video a tank targets a car with two old people in it. It's graphic and they die, you've been warned.

HOW DO THEY PICK WHICH HORRIBLE PHOTOS TO SHARE? This is a good column about the editorial decisions being made daily when it comes to what to show of the war in photos. It's a peak into how complex these decisions really are.

WE WERE GONNA DO THE MIG DEAL UNTIL WE DIDN'T And I'm talking about the deal with Poland sending MIG fighters to us to we could send them to Ukraine. I didn't know the White House was GOING to do this until they did an about face a day or so later? Why? From National Review:

But this also means that the Russian government can tell NATO not to do something, and NATO will obey. Moscow deterred a U.S. government decision, and then turned around and bombed a children’s hospital. Vladimir Putin effectively demonstrated a veto over our actions.
Bing West sees this as an ominous indicator in this showdown: “The Biden administration’s about-face in the case of the MiGs encourages Putin in his view that we lack resolve. Poland will see this as a rebuff, and NATO is dependent upon Poland for the long war and probable insurgency to come. Over the coming months, Putin will probe and test for other fissures time is sure to bring.”
If the Russians threatened Ramstein Air Base or other NATO assets, Biden could have reminded Moscow of his pledge from the State of the Union. “I’ve made it crystal clear,” Biden said, “The United States and our allies will defend every inch of NATO territory with the full force of our collective power — every single inch.” Russia’s already struggling to advance against the Ukrainian army and racking up horrific casualties, and the country has just been economically crippled. One study estimated that Russia is losing $20 billion per day in this war. Does Putin really want an all-out war with the entire NATO alliance on top of his current problems? And the U.S. could have directed a pointed question to Belarussian dictator Aleksandr Lukashenko: Is this what he signed on for with his alliance with Putin? How many countries does the Belarussian standing army of 45,000, mostly conscripts, want to fight at once?
Call it brinksmanship. Call it calling Russia’s bluff. Call it whatever you like. But when a hostile aggressor tells the U.S. not to do something, acquiescence has its own price.

I guess we're lucky the "grownups" are in charge? That was sarcasm.

A NEW SPANISH SPEAKING CONSERVATIVE NETWORK HAS PROGRESSIVES CALLING IT DEFCON 1 And I have to say I love this and I don't know why IHeart doesn't have more Spanish talk that leans right. I bet it would crush it in a lot of markets. AND it would have the bonus of making progressive literally freak OUT because they know that Hispanics and Latinos are socially more conservative and don't give a rat's patootie about identity politics. I love this story.

HOW TO BE POPULAR IN THE 1940's Oh goodness, this is special.

COUPLE GOING ON VACATION TOGETHER And this is pretty close to what's been happening in my house for a week.

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