Mandy's Tue Blog: The Future of Everything and The Past of Nutrition

THOMAS FREY IS ON TO TALK ABOUT THE FUTURE As he does every month. I've no clue what he's got for us today, but you can always find him at The Davinci Institute here!

MICHELLE ZELLNER IS HERE TO TALK NUTRITION MONTH And we are going to talk about how nutrition science is constantly changing, what happens when government lobbyists write food advice and more. If you want to find Michelle, enroll in any of her outstanding programs and get your health act together just click here.

YOU KNOW WHO IS TO BLAME FOR RUSSIA INVADING UKRAINE? REPUBLICANS. That's what the Useless Michael Bennet said when asked directly if this was a moment like 1939 where we should be doing more to stop a madman. The actual quote is:

“And whether you think about what Putin is doing in Russia today, or what China is doing with their state-sponsored capitalism, they believe democracy is — when they looked at January 6th, what they said is, America can’t lead. Democracy is ruined.”

If we re elect this numbskull I'm going to be SOOOO disappointed. You can watch our slow talking, Republican blaming Senator below. He's not impressive on anything. He's not an expert on anything, he talks like he has marbles in his mouth and he's been in office for eleven years with literally NOTHING to show for Colorado in his time there. Useless.

IF YOU'RE WORRIED ABOUT A VACCINE CHANGING YOUR DNA You need to understand that a case of covid does the same. Now we know that covid infection actually shrinks the gray matter of your brain. This disease is still being learned about especially the long term effects, and this is very interesting. This new study compared brains of older people who had had covid with brain scans of people of similar age BEFORE covid escaped from a lab and found that the part of the brain that helps us smell is the most affected.

BIDEN MAY BAN RUSSIAN OIL IMPORTS AS SOON AS TODAY At least that's the rumor now that Congress has pretty much tied his hands on the matter. Shell Oil, which was criticized for buying a bunch of Russian oil contracts after war broke out, has now said they will cease buying Russian oil and gas. The screws are tightening. Putin says oil will go over 300 bucks a barrel if we do.

SAVANNAH GUTHRIE WAS SURPRISED BY BILL BARR'S ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION And a lot of Dems can't understand this position but it's one I will find myself in if he's the nominee. I can't see me voting for a Democrat at this point ever.

REPUBLICANS WOULD STAY AND FIGHT, DEMOCRATS WOULD RUN AWAY And I'm not just throwing invective, I'm talking about a new poll where DEMOCRATS SAID THAT. Look at this dumpster fire:

As the world witnesses what is happening to Ukraine, Americans were asked what they would do if they were in the same position as Ukrainians are now: stay and fight or leave the country? A majority (55 percent) say they would stay and fight, while 38 percent say they would leave the country. Republicans say 68 - 25 percent and independents say 57 - 36 percent they would stay and fight, while Democrats say 52 - 40 percent they would leave the country. (emphasis mine)

Aren't they embarrassed? Aren't they ashamed? Why do we need them in this country if they won't fight to save it? Real question. I'm not saying I want them all dead, but why do they get a say in anything with cowardice like this? What losers.

PEOPLE IN DOUGCO ARE STILL FIGHTING OVER MAKING PEOPLE MASK And this is just dumb. A hairdresser who thinks her mask is going to protect her wants to be able to not only force customers to wear masks, but she wants to not give anyone with a medical exemption that exemption. Fine with me, I'd just go elsewhere. But the Douglas County Board of Health passed a law that was designed to force SCHOOLS to accept exemptions and now she says it prevents her from demanding face diapers on everyone. A judge has now issued a stay that is a completely moot point now, but here we are.

THIS IS WHY PARENTS ARE ANGRY AT SCHOOL DISTRICTS A Wisconsin school board has exposed something that is happening in a LOT of school districts around the country, and that is a concerted effort to assume parents are bad while urging kids to keep important things from their parents. What kind of things? Oh, like the kid thinks they are transgender. Kind of a big deal, but one Wisconsin school district promoted teacher training that said, "parents are not entitled to know about their student's identity". Don't believe me? Here's the slide:

But sure, it's the parents who need to be investigated. Sure.

IF ONLY MY BUTT WOULD SHRINK TOO If the toilet paper is going to shrink anyway. Shrinkflation has come to a roll near you.

NASA IS FINALLY GOING TO STUDY THE SEXY TIME Sex in space feels like a punchline but if we are going to send humans to Mars at some point, we may need to know how it works. Could you get pregnant in space? NASA is finally going to go where no man has gone before and find out more about the dirty deed in zero gravity.

CONGRESS IS BANNING COPYCATS OF FENTANYL Assuming they can stop fighting for a hot minute and get something constructive done. This article shows how the copycats have flourished, partially helping create the disaster we currently have now. Read more here.

OUR HOUSING MARKET IS CRUSHINGLY UNAFFORDABLE And now we've swept the Springs up into our nonsense and they are unaffordable too. I feel for young people whose salaries are not keeping up with this at all.

ABOUT THE LATEST IPCC REPORT ON THE ALLEGED CLIMATE EMERGENCY First off, this report is NOT written by scientists! Nope, it's written by bureaucrats every single time it comes out. Second, it's trash. Read this column for the many reasons why.

THE RACIST HUMAN GARBAGE JOY REID PICKS UP "THE WE LOVE UKRAINE BECAUSE THEY'RE WHITE" TROPE And this is so stupid I'm not even going to comment. I'll just let you read it here, but you may end up as dumb as Joy if you do. i guess she missed us helping out those other Arabs for like twenty years.

THE TIME CHANGE IS BAD FOR YOUR HEART And we already know this but still can't get it together enough to do something about the dreadful time change. It's coming up, by the way, on March 13th and I literally schedule a vacation to recover properly. The American Heart Association says studies clearly show this spring forward crap is bad and dangerous and TOTALLY UNECESSARY.

THE ONLY ONE STILL PUSHING FOR MASKS ARE TEACHERS UNIONS And they've lost the battle in Chicago, but they are holding on in Seattle. The teachers there want kids to mask until the end of the year for a "sense of normalcy". ARE YOU EFFING KIDDING ME???? THAT is normalcy? Idiots, every single last one of them. And these people are teaching children.


FLORIDA RECOMMENDS AGAINST VACCINATING KIDS And I don't think they are wrong about this. We know now that vaccines have been only 12% effective against omicron for kids and we also know that healthy kids are almost certainly not going to have any issues fighting off covid if they get it. That's why the Florida Surgeon General is saying just say no.

CANADA IS CALLING ON THE KEYSTONE XL PIPELINE TO BE RESTORED And I hope this drumbeat gains steam. The Biden Admin wants us all to believe it's just coincidence that gas prices are going up during his Administration, but he's done too many public things to pander to his base since he got into office. This after Obama told us we can't drill our way out of this (we did under Trump) and his Sec of Transportation is telling people who can't afford gas to buy electric cars because I guess those cost ten bucks or something. But now there is new pressure to give permission to the Keystone XL pipeline coming from our neighbors up north. We'll see who wins this.




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