Mandy's Wed Blog: Recriminalize Fentanyl and The Book of Questions!

THE BOOK OF QUESTIONS TODAY AT 2 This is where we get a question from this book that usually makes us look like horrible people.

IT'S TIME TO REFELONIZE FENTANYL As we saw this past weekend, fentanyl can easily kill people, as it killed five people who thought they were doing some cocaine and instead were dead almost instantly. Colorado, in it's zeal to make life easier for criminals here, defelonized this drug as part of a sweeping "crime reform" bill that has done nothing but see crime skyrocket since it's passage. Yes, the bill was passed in bipartisan fashion because there was enough gravy for enough Republicans to support it. Now we know it's been a disaster, from criminals being arrested and let out with no bond to possession of enough fentanyl to take out a city block being a misdemeanor. They need to fix this NOW and perhaps address some of the other garbage parts of the bill at the same time. Read more about the growing calls for the refelonization of fentanyl here.

GOVERNOR POLIS IGNORES HIS OWN ADVICE WHILE CAMPAIGNING As he's running around maskless, hugging people like there's no tomorrow and having a grand old time. From Axios Denver:

Why it matters: The Democrat's approach defies the recommendation of his own pandemic response leaders.
His COVID-19 response director Scott Bookman told Axios Denver on Thursday that the administration continues to recommend masks for indoor gatherings and crowded spaces to help limit the spread of the coronavirus.
Zoom in: Polis' campaign event in Aurora targeted voters in communities of color — the same Coloradans who are less likely to be vaccinated and more likely to get seriously ill.
What he's saying: The governor's office brushed aside concerns. "Governor Polis, like most Coloradans, is making personal risk assessments based off the setting he is in and the risk to him and his family," spokesperson Conor Cahill told Axios.
Cahill later clarified that the governor wears a mask when local rules require face coverings, but most have been lifted.

The thing I've learned the most about this pandemic is that the virus does NOT treat rich and famous and political people the same as the rest of us rubes.

RTD, WHICH HAS NO MONEY TO RUN IT'S CURRENT ROUTES, EXPLORING HOW TO WASTE MORE MONEY Specifically on a light rail to Boulder and Longmont, which was "promised" to the voters when they voted to tax themselves a pittance to get a HUGE benefit in return. Now RTD, which is cutting services to suburban areas on their more efficient and less expensive buses, has hired some firm to do a study on how to build the light rail to Boulder and Longmont. I get that they "promised" the voters, but we were also "promised" that FASTR would fix our roads, that mill levy overrides would go to teacher pay, and other crap that never happens. But because the Governor lives in Boulder and his bougie Boulder friends want to slum it occasionally on the train, we are going to have a study on how to spend at minimum $1.5 BILLION to build another train that no one will ride. This is only the sort of madness that can come from government. Refund the measly $197 million that has been paid in taxes by Boulder and Longmont over fifteen years and call it a day.

THIS IS A GREAT SERIES ABOUT COLORADO FOOD IN THE DENVER GAZETTE And I meant to share it last week and forgot, but here is the link that has ALL the links to all the great features about some Colorado originals when it comes to dining out. I've definitely got some places to try after reading these!

WHY IS CDOT IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION BUSINESS? CDOT needs to stay in its lane. Right now they are trying to become urban planners and this is not their job. Read more here.

AURORA CITY COUNCIL MEMBER JUAN MARCANO HAS FILED A COMPLAINT AGAINST ANOTHER MEMBER And I haven't talked about this, but it's about Danielle Jurinsky and I FREAKING LOVE HER. She's been very vocal about her disappointment with Chief Vanessa Wilson and the job she is doing (Jurinsky is 100% right about this) and Juan Marcano got all upset and made and wrote out a complaint that alleges that Jurinsky publicly ordered the City Manager to fire the Chief (she did not in any way do this) and that she didn't act in a "professional manner" with her comments and should be investigated. Read the ridiculous whiny bitch complaint here.

Remember this is the same dude who called Republicans "sadistic death cultists" because they voted against the creation of a climate change committee. Watch that here.

Juan Marcano has feelings, but someone needs to share with him that Danielle Jurinsky was merely practicing "radical candor" about the crappy job the police chief is doing leading her department. He can suck it.


LADIES, T AND A IS NOT HOW YOU WIN A POLITICAL RACE Y'all this story about wore me out last night. Women have been struggling to be taken seriously for over a century in the political world and this dumbass from Texas takes us right back to where we started. Well if we started in a strip club maybe. What I'd like to know is who the HELL told her this was a good idea? Who told her to strip almost nekkid, paste some stars over her boobs and ride an oil rig? Who said this out loud and others said, YES, that will show them you are a serious person who deserves to be taken seriously. Stop it. Start an OnlyFans page if you want to show off your body, be a serious person with great ideas if you want to be elected to political office. The worst part is her genuine confusion about the negative reaction to said video. How clueless can you be?

SCIENTISTS PROVE OUR LIVES DO FLASH BEFORE OUR EYES BEFORE DEATH This is SO FREAKING COOL. A neurologist was performing an EEG on an 87 year old man when he suffered a cardiac arrest and died. While that is sad, we now have a recorded death event in the brain which clearly showed the area of our brain that holds memories LIT UP right before he died. Scientists say that this could indicate that our lives DO flash before our eyes when we die, and our brain may have a special way to "organize" death for us as it happens. This is just really, really cool.

READ THIS ARTICLE ON THE MONEY SUPPLY AND INFLATION And you will be smarter than a good number of so-called economists who seem to have forgotten what inflation really is and what really causes it. Read it here.

AMAZON IS GOING AFTER FAKE REVIEWERS And I can't believe they are only suing two of them. Perhaps this is the beginning of a crackdown on bad actors who lie about bad products for money. Pro tip for Amazon: if it doesn't have free returns, skip it. You're welcome.

SIX IN TEN SAY THEY CAN'T COPE FOR A DAY WITHOUT THEIR SMARTPHONE Unless you're talking about needing a smartphone in order to do your job this makes me incredibly sad. You "can't cope" without your smartphone? How are you supposed to survive a post-apocalyptic world? If you find yourself in this six, you need a cell phone detox program now.

WANT TO LIVE LONGER? RESTRICT YOUR CALORIES This subject fascinates me because I've read a lot about severe calorie restriction as a means to a longer life, but this study shows even a modest reduction in caloric intake has huge upside. A 14% reduction in calories seems a lot more doable long term than reducing calories by half, which is crazy to me.

FLORIDA MAY ADD FINANCIAL LITERACY TO IT'S HIGH SCHOOL REQUIREMENTS And this is a great idea, but these concepts can surely be taught as part of existing classes. Now they want to make sure that high school students understand things like credit scores and bank accounts as they entire life.

FARE JUMPERS ARE COSTING NYC BIG And I can only imagine how few people in Colorado are actually paying for a ticket to ride light rail, as enforcement is lax. Read this about how many people steal transportation.

TWO IS THIS BABY'S LUCKY NUMBER Because she was born on February 2nd, 2022 at 2:22am in North Carolina.

NIKE PRODUCES NEW WOMEN'S SWIMSUIT WITH ROOM FOR MALE JUNK And yes, this is the Babylon Bee but OMG it is so funny. Read it here.

SWEDEN WAS RIGHT And our pal Stephen Moore breaks down how the Nordic state didn't panic and kept its head and its economy on track during the pandemic. Here is the column, but if you listen to the show, you already know this!




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