Mandy's Tue Blog: Mail Order Wine, and Better Mental Health!

LET'S FIX THIS SILLY MAILING ISSUE FOR WINERIES If you've ever done a winery tour you know that you can ship the wine straight to your home most of the time. That is UNLESS you are in Colorado at a winery and want them to ship the wine to your Colorado home. That is not allowed. Now there is a bill that would allow Colorado wineries to ship in the state to local addresses and we need this. This is the bill that needs to pass, and you can help by contacting any of these committee members:

Sen. Robert Rodriguez, (Chair) Senate District 32


Sen. James Coleman (Vice Chair) SD 33


Sen. Chris Kolker, SD 27


Sen. Larry Liston, SD 10


Sen. Rob Woodward, SD 15


DR. JOHN DELONY WANTS TO HELP YOU LIVE YOUR HAPPIEST LIFE And his new book Own Your Past, Change Your Future, which you can buy here, is designed to do just that. It's all about dealing with old trauma once and for all so you can be the best version of yourself. This Dave Ramsey team member is on at 2p to discuss the book.

RUSSIA IS DIRECTING TROOPS INTO INVADING UKRAINE TO ACT AS PEACEKEEPERS Which is fascinating because the only thing Ukraine needs peacekeepers against is Russia. In a rambling speech that rewrote Ukraine history, he seemed to declare that he was looking to get the old gang of the USSR back together. Western nations are already passing sanctions as Putin has rolled troops into areas of Ukraine where they have been backing a separatist movement with bloody results. Germany seems poised to not allow the NORD 2 pipeline, which is finished but not yet operational, to open at all. The Biden admin has banned American companies from investing in the areas under Russian control, which is really nothing by my estimation, with promises for more nothingburger actions from Biden. Read more here. The BBC has done the best news gathering on all this and they have an ongoing thread of actions in Europe here.

GETTING SOLAR MAY COST SOME HOMEOWNERS MORE And this would only affect customers of the Sangre de Cristo Electric Association where they are trying to a two tiered rate structure based on electric usage per home. First off, I don't see how you can blatantly create a law that treats homes differently from the outset because of their energy usage, but more on that later. In an effort to force some of the costs of new infrastructure onto new homeowners who may be second home owners, the co-op has decided to charge customers who use less energy per month MORE per unit. Except this will also punish homeowners who use solar, because they simply don't need as much of the co-op created energy. This is EXACTLY what people like me have been talking about for YEARS with solar. Eventually they are going to figure out a way to make you pay for your green decisions.

ENOUGH WITH THE STUPID ANTI-SEMITIC BAGS OF RICE This is baffling to me, specifically why someone full of hate and bad ideas, could possibly think that others would join them in their hate IF ONLY they threw bags with rice and hateful anti-Semitic flyers onto their lawns. This is too organized to be teenagers, they don't plan ahead. This smacks of an angry old person with too much time on their hands. And NO ONE's RING camera caught anything? Nothing? These idiots need to be told no one cares about their stupid, dumb anti-Jew nonsense once and for all.

FENTANYL WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DEATHS OF FIVE PEOPLE IN A COMMERCE CITY APARTMENT And please share this story with your children, because the five adults in that apartment thought they were going to party with some cocaine, only it was laced with fentanyl which killed them all. Illegal drugs are not known for their purity, and with fentanyl on the scene, there is no "safe" illegal drug right now. This is just sad. Oh, and there was a baby there too.

THIS IS A GREAT EDITORIAL ON WHY WE NEED TO REFELONIZE FENTANYL The Denver Gazette Editorial Board interviewed an ER physician about the fentanyl situation and it's horrifyingly bad.

MAN RECEIVES ONE HECK OF A REFUND FROM THE ENERGY COMPANY And he decided to send it out on social media before cashing the check, as it was for over a trillion pounds.


THE REAL FAKE NEWS PROBLEM IS CELEBRITY SOCIAL MEDIA And a new study shows that the reach of something sent out by a celebrity has far more power than a bot created message. Celebrities with 10,000 followers have much more reach than some bot account no one pays attention to. What I've learned is that celebrities need to be banned from social media for spreading fake news.

STUDENTS DON'T LOVE JOE BIDEN And one of these kids gives me so much hope for the future.

A NEW RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED STUDY SHOWS IVERMECTIN IS NOT HELPFUL At least in keeping older people out of the hospital if they have comorbidities. It's a good study, with very few limitations, which makes it a good study, plus it truly was an RCT study as well, which IS and remains the gold standard of studies. Read more here. To be clear, this study was on older people with comorbidities, not on healthier people or younger people, so there may be value for them, but not for those most at risk for getting seriously ill.

NO ONE WATCHED THE WINTER GAMES And those of us who did certainly didn't come away dazzled or even impressed. China looked terrible with its nuclear power plant as the backdrop for the outdoor sports, and athletes complaining endlessly about the bad food and poor treatment overall. This is really lousy news for NBC, which paid a HUGE sum of money for the rights a few years ago. This article shows the decline of major television events over the last few years and the visual is kind of shocking to see. It's a huge collapse across a LOT of events which used to be gold for advertisers. What fell the most? Awards shows. We don't like being preached at.

IT'S NATIONAL MARGARITA DAY AND I'M HERE FOR IT I've talked about how wine no longer agrees with my ability to sleep, but GOOD NEWS, tequila doesn't seem to affect it at all! Whooohooo! Here's a fun article on the delicious drink complete with some recipes you can try if you want to branch out.

NEIL CAVUTO HAS TO BE ON LIFE #6 OR 7 As the popular Fox News man has beaten cancer and now is fighting multiple sclerosis and just announced that he nearly died from a second bout with covid. But he's still here and kicking!

ABOUT THOSE COVID BOOSTER SHOTS Don't be racing out to get a fourth shot anytime soon, because you may not need it. Remarkably, this article does a deep dive on the importance of T Cells rather than antibodies as a measure of our bodies ability to fight off Covid. It's nice that the news is actually following the science now. This part of the article made me spit take my coffee though:

“Most people don’t even know what they are — a lot of doctors and scientists are not completely clear what a T cell is,” said Dr. Dan Barouch, a virus expert at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston who led one of the T-cell studies.
“Fundamentally, I would argue that T cells are probably more important than what many people have given them credit for,” Barouch said.

This is what I've literally been saying for MONTHS NOW. MONTHS. Being right all the time is exhausting.

YOUR KITCHEN SPONGE IS SERIOUSLY DISGUSTING And if you love your kitchen sponge do NOT read this. It has more bacteria than a petri dish, not matter how often you change it.

SOMEONE MAPPED THE ENTIRE HUMAN GUT And though Hippocrates said about 2500 years ago "All disease begins in the gut" it has taken until now to check that out. A team of scientists has not mapped out our guts to see what functions take place where and exactly how they interact with each other and our bodies overall. It's really cool and you can check it here.

DON'T BELIEVE THE REVIEWS IF THEY SEEM TOO TOO GOOD And this is SUCH good advice if you check online reviews like I do. There are some easy ways to check this stuff out and this article does a nice job of laying them out.

ONE MOM CHECKS HER 13 YEAR OLD AND THE INTERNET JUDGES HER HARSHLY When will we learn that anything we do in relation to parenting does NOT need to be online? This woman now knows, as she posted a copy of her letter to her disrespectful 13 year old son who was feeling his independence and giving mom a hard time. I think she was 100% right in how she handled this, but the internet called her everything but a child of God. Stop posting stuff online, people. Just be a good parent.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO GEORGE WASHINGTON! Today is the day and this is a great column that reminds us of just how remarkable our Founding Father was, slave owning and all. He walked away from immense power TWICE to return it to the people, which is something most of us would be hard pressed to do.


IS THERE A MEDAL FOR THE MOST FROZEN PENIS? Because this dude would have won it...twice. A Finnish skier says his package was frozen at the end of his super cold skiing race. I don't even have a joke for this.

UNIONIZING THE NATIONAL GUARD IS RIDICULOUS But that's what the Biden Administration wants to allow. I can't even wrap my head around how BAD this is, considering that the military, by design, is an entirely top down proposition. If the Biden Admin is worried about Guards men and women, why not just give them a raise? Or improve their benefits? They can do that. They have the power. But that wouldn't create a bigger Democratic slush fund for the unions, would it. Be clear, that's all this is.

RUSSIA LEAVES UKRAINE, BUT LEAVES BEHIND A MYSTERIOUS WOODEN HORSE The Babylon Bee obviously has boots on the ground to get this kind of reporting.

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