Mandy's Mon Blog: Let's Talk Inflation & More With Economic Nerd Larry Reed

LET'S TALK ECONOMIC HISTORY WITH OUR PAL LARRY REED And he's got some great columns that we will chat about like this one about the European micro state of San Marino, or this one about a similar microstate called Andorra. He also writes about America's first experiment with fiat paper money that didn't go well and about the lessons of a Montana railroad here. I also asked him to be ready to talk about the Volcker Shock of the 1980s as the Fed tries to figure out how to curb inflation.

LILY TANG WILLIAMS IS BACK IN TOWN And I've had Lily on my show several times as she ran for office for the Libertarian Party here in Colorado. As an immigrant from China, Lily knows how quickly liberty can disappear. She's moved to New Hampshire and now she's running for Congress again. Why? Because of stories like this one from when she lived in China. She's on at 2 today, if you want to support her, just click here.

BOULDER IS GOING AFTER GUNS HARD And I frankly don't see how they are going to get away with this, Colorado's stupid local control law aside. They are banning assault weapons, which by the way, isn't a thing per se, holding gun stores liable if anything from their stores are used in a crime, and making life ownership totally onerous in Boulder. The lawsuits are STILL pending at the federal level as the Boulder nannies are creating more legal ammunition. This is just stupid. Really, really stupid. Considering that gun stores are everywhere surrounding Boulder, this is just...dumb. Why Boulder residents continue to put up with this I'll never know.

THE DURHAM PROBE PROVES TRUMP WAS RIGHT ABOUT BEING SPIED ON IN OFFICE And if this were a Republican caught spying on a Democrat President of the United States WHILE HE OR SHE WAS IN OFFICE this story would be everywhere all the time, but because it happened to Trump it's a collective shrug from the media who got Biden elected. Read more here from the NY Post, but that's the only place you'll see it. The New York Times hasn't written ONE WORD about his new filing. NOT ONE.

THIS IS NOT A GOOD LOOK FOR DENVER ON THE INTERNATIONAL STAGE As this is from the UK paper the Daily Mail, I find it sad that this is how we're being represented around the world. We are now bribing businesses to come downtown, while simultaneously not fixing the problems that lead businesses to leave downtown in the first place.

NO, MODERNA'S CEO ISN'T DUMPING ALL HIS STOCK This is the new rumor flying around the internet, that the CEO of Moderna dumped $400 million in stock and cancelled his Twitter account, which is implied to mean that the vaccines are crap or something. The reality is he has been selling 19,000 shares a week (he owns 5.7 million shares) because his company is riding high stock price wise. He did delete his Twitter account, which hasn't had ANY activity since April of 2019. This is not shocking or indicative of anything scary. If I were CEO I wouldn't have a Twitter account either because of the potential trouble with the SEC if I posted something that affected stock prices. Please stop posting this stuff without checking it. You aren't helping.

HEY SELFISH BASTARDS, TIME TO SHOW SOME RESPECT Our Governor, how called people who didn't want to wear masks "selfish bastards" just a short time ago, is now playing a new game where he tells those SAME PEOPLE to show "civility and respect" to those who continue to wear the utterly useless masks even after mask mandates are lifted because of the mid terms. If you don't believe me about the selfish bastards, you can check it here. For what it's worth, I agree with him about showing civility to those who have been terrified into covering their faces indefinitely, they need our compassion, not our mockery. Show them how to be a decent human instead of treating them the way they treated you when you didn't want to wear a mask.

DEMOCRATS IN COLORADO HATE SENIORS WHO OWN HOMES I realize that headline is unnecessarily inflammatory but I've decided to use headlines like this until the news media fixes it's problem with headlines not matching the underlying stories. In this case, Colorado Democrats killed a bill which would have increased the amount of homeowner tax exemption for seniors and disabled veterans to meet today's exorbitant home prices. It was killed by three senior citizen hating Democrats in the so-called kill committee.

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! The Holderness Family knows the way to a woman's heart for Valentine's Day.

LYING COPS BEING FIRED AND DECERTIFIED IN COLORADO And I have no issue with this. Law enforcement officers in Colorado who are caught lying in the course of their jobs are now being fired under a new law in Colorado, but it doesn't stop there. These officers are having their police certifications stripped as well, which prevents them from being hired by another law enforcement agency in the state. Read more here.

ARE THESE THE BEST SUPER BOWL ADS? Did you watch the ads yesterday? Some of them were REALLY GOOD, like the one with the brothers who won ten medals skiing after one of them went blind (I'M NOT CRYING, YOU'RE CRYING) and the Alexa mind reading spot with Colin Jost and Scarlett Johansson. Here is the list of the most talked about ads, while USA Today's Ad Meter put Anna Kendrick's Barbie Dream House spot in the top place.

HERE IS A FUN VIDEO OF ALL THE MASKLESS CELEBRITIES VIOLATING CALI'S INDOOR MASK MANDATE The one all children will be forced to follow this morning in school.

They weren't alone, no one in the stands was wearing the K95 masks that were distributed to them as they walked in the stadium. Covid is over.

FOR THE RECORD, THIS GEN XER LOVED THE HALFTIME SHOW Except Kendrick Lamar, who I legit had no clue who he was and didn't care for his song. This halftime show would have been impossible in 1992 when Dr. Dre's The Chronic, which is one of the all time great hip hop albums hands down, was released. It wasn't as good as Prince or Bruno Mars, but it was nostalgic and awesome just the same. I'm guessing Dave hated it.

PRICES GO UP OR STUFF GETS SMALLER And I have to say, I'd rather companies give me the option of which I'd like to have. We have been buying these Jimmy Dean snack size sausage biscuits for YEARS. Instead of raising prices, they have simply shrunk the size of the biscuits to literally the size of a quarter. I do not want this but I get no choice to pay more. Neither do you. Read more about shrinkflation here.

CASES AND DEATHS UNCOUPLED DURING OMICRON And hopefully will stay that way. Not for nothing, I told you this would happen.

SEATTLE'S SODA TAX IS GREAT FOR BEER SALES And does nothing for obesity. A new study shows that since the implementation of the nanny state soda tax beer sales have gone up 7%, an event not seen in similar neighboring areas.

RIP IVAN REITMAN The renowned director and producer of such comedies as "Ghostbusters" and "Stripes" has passed in his sleep at 75.

LOOKING TO MAKE A MOVE? THESE TOWNS WILL PAY YOU TO MOVE THERE And some of these deals are really good when you factor in the cost of living being already low. Read more and I'll see you in Bentonville, Arkansas! Not really, I'm not moving.

ONE KIND WOMAN HAS HER THROAT SLIT FOR HER KINDNESS As she let a homeless guy into her home to take a shower. He slit her throat in thanks. But all they really need is housing, amiright?

WE'RE NUMBER FOUR! On this list of the most highly educated states in the country. We do well on the number of educated people who live here, but our educational system only clocks in at #32, which is a problem.

DON'T BUY SOMEONE M+MS FOR VALENTINE'S DAY Because that is a crappy Valentine's candy gift. Find better chocolate even if we love M+Ms the rest of the time here in Colorado.

A NEW PROCEDURE HELPS PARALYZED MEN WALK AGAIN This is SO COOL. Using electrical paddles to "amp up" the electrical signals our brain sends has some men who previously had total spinal cord injuries walking again. Read more here.

AND NOW, VIDEO OF HARRY POTTER AT HOME This made me laugh today.


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