Mandy's Fri Blog: Mike Is Back From Africa, Plus The Mayor Begs Biz To Stay

MIKE HAS BLESSED THE RAINS DOWN IN AFRICA And though we may talk about movies today I really want to hear about Mike's trip to Tanzania! That's coming up at 2.

MAYOR HANCOCK IS BEGGING BUSINESSES TO NOT DESERT DOWNTOWN And I have to say he is too little, too late for at least three business owners I know who are already planning to vacate downtown when their leases are up. Their businesses have collapsed as the Mayor's office has overseen the takeover and destruction of downtown by rioters and homeless addicts. It's going to take a lot more than a call from the Mayor to get them to stay. Read more here.

CHIEF PAUL PAZEN SAT DOWN WITH FOX 31 KDVR And he dropped some truth bombs about the crime that the Mayor wants you to not pay attention to, though he is walking back his harshest (accurate) criticism of the judicial system letting criminals out right after they have been arrested.

THIS IS COMICALLY RACIST I realize that many of you wouldn't think anything racist would be funny, but this is accidentally very funny. A Democrat lawmaker is pushing a bill that would force everyone to wear a protective device while doing things like paddleboarding and kayaking, as she is trying to prevent drowning. However, she EXEMPTED Native Americans from the bill and the reason is horrible.

"The few exemptions you see, including the tribal members – federally recognized tribal members exemptions – are based on responses from the community," Ryu said. "These are situations where they have either extensive training or [are] traditionally very used to our cold waters for eons, essentially, or are very closely supervised."

It gets really awkward when you realize that the CDC says Native Americans HAVE THE HIGHEST RATE OF DROWNING of ANY demographic. She is speaking with a forked tongue.

KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR THIS AURORA BOY He's missing and I hope he's just being a stupid boy and not in peril. Find him here.

JEFFCO, YOU ARE FREE! After the resignation of Dawn Comstock after less than a year of dictatorial scare mongering the JeffCo Public Health Board voted to end the mask mandates in JeffCo. Woohoo!

PRESIDENT BIDEN LITERALLY HAS NO CLUE WHAT CAUSES INFLATION And he proves here along with his inability to take any sort of criticism about HIS OWN WORDS. Watch him scold Lester Holt before demonstrating his lack of economic knowledge.

THE MEDIA IS COVERING FOR BIDEN'S FREE CRACK PIPES AS THEY CONFIRM FREE CRACK PIPES If you haven't heard about the "harm reduction" kits being passed out in the name of equity for crack addicts you should pay more attention. When the story broke and internet began making endless memes about free crack pipes the media began to work overtime in covering for the Admin. Check out this headline, and the screenshot from THIS article:

NOW TIME FOR SOME OUTSTANDING STORIES ABOUT OUTSTANDING NFL PLAYERS We hear a lot about the bad stuff NFL players do on occasion, but here are two stories that both made me get dust in my eye. First off, congrats to Andrew Whitworth for winning the Walter Payton Man of the Year award. This is a snippet from his acceptance speech.

You can make a difference just by showing up. Speaking of showing up, this story about Philadelphia Eagle Anthony Harris taking a young fan to a Daddy-Daughter Dance after her father was killed in an accident and her grandfather died as well is lovely. There are some really good men in the league who don't get enough attention.

RIP JOURNALIST JIM ANGLE He was a stellar man and journalist that I had the pleasure of meeting and interviewing once. He was one of the good guys of journalism.

THE AIR FORCE IS LOWERING STANDARDS TO HELP A FEMALE TRAINEE OUT And this makes me soooo angry. A female Captain was trying to be the first woman to join a combat controller team (CCT) which is a Special Forces position. Only she couldn't do the training and kept dropping out of different training exercises. Instead of kicking her out of the program AS THEY WOULD DO FOR ANY MALE TRAINEE, they kept making "accommodations" for her so she could pass. Meaning they lowered the standards that are in place for a woman. Read about the whistleblower report here.

OBESE PEOPLE DIE FASTER And when you look at mortality rates across the US, the states with the lowest life expectancy are those with the highest obesity rates. But I'm sure there is no correlation.

BOOKSTAGRAM HAS MADE A COLORADO WOMAN A STAR This is sort of what I was talking about yesterday, where there is a place for everyone on the internet. People who love books inhabit what's known as "bookstagram" which is what is sounds like on Instagram. One local woman is having quite a go at it! Read more here.

OMICRON IS PRETTY MUCH DONE IN COLORADO As we fully expected it to be by this point. Read more here.

CDC NEW ADVICE: JUST DO WHAT TEXAS DID LAST YEAR Yes, this is The Babylon Bee, but is it REALLY satire? It's getting really hard to tell.

STEALING GOODS IS OUT OF CONTROL And this isn't JUST about shoplifting although that has been the most visible issue. Stores are shutting down in Manhattan, where one Rite Aid said they lost $200,000 a MONTH in December and January. Warehouses are being hit, trucks are being highjacked and the Democratic leadership in these cities is doing nothing.

A SAN FRAN PLAN TO HOUSE THE HOMELESS IS A HARD PASS FOR RESIDENTS Because the Mayor of Richmond, California, which is about 20 miles from San Fran, asked them to house homeless people IN THEIR HOMES. The response was not positive.

OUR RAGTAG OLYMPIC HOCKEY TEAM BEAT THE CRAP OUT CHINA'S TEAM I would absolutely LOVE our team, which is made up of mostly college players and some veterans who play overseas, could medal in these Games. Shades of the Miracle on Ice maybe? They are off to a great start, though beating the Chinese hockey team isn't much to crow about, it is something to crow about.


WANT TO LIVE LONGER? EAT BEANS. Researchers have found what they believe to be the "optimal" diet and say it could add YEARS to your life expectancy. Take this with a grain of salt, as no science changes more quickly than nutrition science, but nothing is shocking about this diet. More veggies, less red meat and processed food and no sugary beverages and a healthy dose of legumes seems to be the suggestion.

PROVING THAT ADVERTISING IS AS OLD AS TIME Here is a cigarette ad from 1897!

PROVING THAT HARD LEFT ACTIVISTS ARE LITERALLY INSANE And in this absolutely bat sh*t crazy speech about not eating meat this looney tunes dame manages to drag EVERY ism and intersectional nonsense to the conversation. If you eat meat, you're a white supremacist.


LATE ADDITION: This is the best song I've ever heard.

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