Mandy's Thu Blog: It's a Home Show Preview, and Sasquatch Playing the Sax

THE BIG HOME SHOW IS THIS WEEKEND! And you should go and check it all out. I'm going to touch base for quick interviews with some of my favorite home improvement clients like Gutter Helmet, Golden Spike Roofing and Gravinas Windows and Doors today about cool stuff happening in their industries and the Home show. Click on any of their names to get to their websites!

I LOVE THE INTERNET SOMETIMES And today it is because listener Tyler sent me a link to Saxsquatch and now I can't stop watching this guy in a Big Foot costume playing smooth jazz. Why? I have no clue but God love the internet.

You already know I'm obsessed with The Kiffness and now I've added Saxquatch to my list of oddball subscriptions on YouTube. What other stuff like this nonsense am I missing? I need your help finding more magic like this!

INFLATION IS COSTING YOU AN EXTRA 250 A MONTH Because it is out of control. And rather than go after it aggressively, as the Fed did in the early 80's with Reagan, they are going to nibble away to protect the markets. Now I'm not looking for the markets to crash, but they are resilient and most home budgets are not nearly as resilient. Read about the Hidden Taxes that are surpassing income gains right now.

AND INFLATION IS NOT SLOWING DOWN, IT'S ONLY GETTING WORSE Like the worst since 1982 worse. Year over year inflation sits at 7.5%, which is disastrous. This Administration, whose policies have done everything to exacerbate inflation, seems stumped on what to do about it.

OLYMPIC TV RATINGS ARE IN THE CRAPPER BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN AMERICANS AREN'T WATCHING And this is a story that is being told more and more often, with Americans not tuning in via traditional television channels and instead viewing online in some format. This is VERY BAD for television advertisers but not horrible overall. If you watch something online rather than on tv so you don't have to sit through endless commercials or even worse, split screen commercials, expect to see more of both online soon as NBC tries to provide value for their advertisers. Do you still watch stuff on tv? If so, do you watch the commercials? When the Games are so "off" when it comes to time zones, I think this makes a huge difference.

A NEW PACEMAKER THAT MIMICS NATURAL HEARTBEATS IS IN THE MAKING This is VERY cool. Heart failure often leads people with little or no energy and the current crop of pacemakers designed to help have a serious drawback: they beat the same all the time regardless of what the patient does. Our own hearts do NOT beat in metronomic fashion, they constantly vary depending on what we're doing. A team in New Zealand is creating a new pacemaker that beats in a natural fashion. They are about to test it in humans but is has done great in every study up to this point.

THINGS ARE ABOUT TO GET UGLY WITH CANADIAN TRUCKER PROTEST As PM Trudeau is now telling them to leave or be arrested. This should go well.

BOB SAGET DIED FROM A MINOR HEAD INJURY THAT COULD REALLY KILL ANY OF US At some point in the day before he died, Bob Saget hit his head. He laid down to go to sleep and never woke up because of it. This stuff scares the crap out of me.

CNN NEEDS TO CHANGE THEIR TAGLINE Because "The Most Trusted Name in News" isn't born out by recent polling which showed a whopping 58% of survey takers disagree with that statement.

PLEASE CHECK ON YOUR COVID LOVING FRIENDS, THEY ARE NOT OKAY This column is about covid hysteria and the effect it's had on some people who are now deathly afraid that covid will...end. It's so sad, and so accurate and you should read it here.

NATHAN CHEN IS AMAZING ON THE ICE And this free skate to Rocket Man proves it. Flawless. Watch his routine here.

I THINK THIS IS FAKE BECAUSE PIT BULLS DON'T LET GO But someone says this is proof a pitbull protected a homeowner. I say fake because the pit bull let go of the guys arm.

THE POLLING...ER...SCIENCE HAS CHANGED! The Democrats are looking at the midterms and the polling and know they are in deep doodoo if they don't do SOMETHING. That something is shaping up to be the roll back of pretty much all restrictions for covid, even in blue states. They can no longer say they are necessary as red states have been doing this for a while now. So the White House is crafting their "The Science has CHANGED!" message to convince people it's okay to live their lives now. Some of us have been, thanks.

ANOTHER SUPERINTENDENT GETS CANNED This time in the Bayfield School District, also without public comment or input. I'm sure there will be lawsuits or some such nonsense.

HOW ABOUT SOME GOOD CLIMATE NEWS FOR A CHANGE? How about we have a headline that says "We're NOT All GONNA DIE" for a change? This column does a great explanation of not only how far off the worst gloom and doom predictions were but also what the future may actually look like.

TAY TAY MUST HAVE SEEN THE POLLING DATA ON MASKS Because he's officially dropped his stupid idea to keep forcing kids in DPS schools into masks when no one else is doing it. Read it here. DPS is likely going to end masking at the end of this month.

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