THE DOUGCO SCHOOL BOARD CHAOS IS BEGINNING AGAIN AND IT'S THE LOSER'S FAULT Last night the three minority school board members, who are SUPER upset they lost the majority they had when they decided to not listen to parents in the District, held their OWN school board meeting, even though they didn't have a quorum because they didn't ask the others to attend I guess. In it, they hurled accusation against two of their fellow board members that they demanded the resignation of the Superintendent and they did so in a way that was unethical and against the rules. First off, I want to hear the rest of the story. Second off, perhaps they should have brought their concerns up DURING A REGULAR MEETING. This was little more than a press conference for the three troublemakers still left on the board. It was their chance to get their side fired up and angry so they can continue to come to school board meetings and raise hell like they do whenever they aren't in charge. This is standard procedure for a team who can't win on the field of ideas so they must give the impression that the district is in chaos when THEY ARE THE ONES CREATING THE CHAOS. For a Board member who seems to be waving the flag of transparency David Ray is sure forgetting that he HID FROM THE PUBLIC that HIS PICK for Superintendent Dr. Thomas Tucker was being investigated and had been barred from school property when he resigned quietly. His newfound love for transparency when he's on the losing side is admirable but a little too little a little too late. I am PISSED about this and I am calling EVERYONE out.
"I am committed, and will continue to be committed, to respecting staff privacy when dealing with sensitive employment situations. This is true for any staff member in the Douglas County School District - and especially true for our superintendent. Any formal decision regarding our superintendent’s employment status will take place during a public meeting, as required by law.
There has been no action taken on the superintendent’s contract or employment status. Last week’s conversation was to provide our superintendent with information needed to participate in an ongoing discussion. I will continue to engage all board directors on this matter.
I am committed to honoring our superintendent’s legacy and service to our school district.
My hope is that our focus remains on our students and keeping them in the classroom, even in the midst of this personnel matter.
It is time to return to academic excellence for each of our 64,000 students, continue forward with the proposed compensation system, and identify common ground in partnership with our students, staff, families, and community."
- Mike Peterson, DCSD Board of Education President
THIS IS WHERE THE TEACHERS UNION ADVOCATES TEACHERS CALL IN SICK THIS THURSDAY Because the union doesn't give a rats ass about kids. This board has been in office since Dec 1st. This union stooge has already decided that they are going to undo things like teacher professional development. The union apparently doesn't offer any professional development either but that's not what we're talking about it. There are teachers in this video concerned about doing a sick out because of the impact it has on kids. Hats off to any teachers who worries about such things. Go to the 31 minute mark to hear the teachers union rep admit that all kids will just be MORE behind together. Great logic.
UNION STATION IS AN OPEN DRUG USE SITE And thank GOD for KDVR Fox 31 for staying on this story. Here they share a story about a woman walking into the "zombie hold" as she saw it as she descended into the bowels of Hell called Union Station. This is horrifying.
TOM BRADY IS DONE And it's official, he's announced he's retiring. It pains me to admit this, but he retires as the GOAT.
BOULDER IS HAVING THEIR TEACHERS OF COLOR HIRING EVENT THIS MONTH And good for them that they are trying to woo teachers of different colors to teach in Boulder Valley Schools. Bad for them that they are having a separate event to do it. Why not go to traditionally black colleges and recruit there? Why not find the organizations that support Hispanic and Latino teachers and go there? All this feels well intentioned but divisive nonetheless. In this article, they reference "research" that shows students do well with teachers that represent them, but I can provide a ton of research that says kids respond to high expectations just as well. If this makes the virtue signaling Boulderites feel good, I hope it works.
COLORADO IS ABOUT TO BLOW A LOT OF MONEY ON STUFF THAT WON'T WORK And I'm talking about 1.1 BILLION of our federal tax dollars here. The task forces tasked with figuring out how to spend this money are going to keep funding non-profits who aren't solving homelessness, while the grow the size of government which isn't solving homelessness, and throwing more money at things that aren't going to solve it. I could have told them how to spend it: shelter beds first, expansion of detox programs in jails, treatment beds and long term care for mentally ill people second, and some money to help those people move out of long term treatment and back into their own lives last. The rest is just wasted money which will make homelessness in Denver EVEN MORE ATTRACTIVE to the drug addicts who are already drawn here. What a wasted opportunity.
MASK MANDATES ARE GOING AWAY UNLESS YOU'RE A CHILD in Denver anyway. The Denver, Adams and Arapahoe indoor mask mandates will expire Friday but if you wear a mask for the rest of this week I think you're a sucker. Just saying. The Denver School Board remains terrified and keeps masks on kids though our recent results from DougCo clearly demonstrate how stupid they are.
THE SIERRA CLUB IS STEEPED IN RACISM, MISOGYNY AND ANGER So says...The Sierra Club. There is some serious strife in the Colorado chapter of this greenie organization and allegations of all three of those things are flying. Read the soap opera story here.
ONE DENVER BUSINESS IS CHARGING A DENVER CRIME SPIKE FEE To make up for the rampant shoplifting he's had to endure since 2019 in the Denver metro. He says shoplifting has gone through the roof and he's got to recover some lost money somehow and honestly I hope every business owner does something this transparent.
THIS NOT SAFE FOR WORK GRANDMA HAS HAD ENOUGH OF THE BLATANT THEFT And there is some bad language in this video but this lady is a BAD ASS who has CLEARLY had it.
THERE IS A CONNECTION BETWEEN MENTAL HEALTH AND WHAT YOU EAT You may not know it, but there is a sizable body of study that shows exercise can make a big difference when it comes to depressions, read about it here. Now we also know that changing your diet can also have a positive effect on mental health according to this story.
DON'T BE AN IDIOT AND DO ANY OF THESE TIK TOK CHALLENGES You can read them here, but good grief you have to be an idiot to do these things. Here's an article on cooking chicken in cough syrup. Again, so stupid.
HERE IS THE LONGEST LIGHTNING FLASH IN THE WORLD At least the longest lightning strike recorded anyway. And it was HUGE. It was over 477 MILES long.
YOUR BRAIN LIVES IN THE PAST This is really cool. We are constantly taking in new stimuli and images and sounds and smells at such a rate our brains can't keep up. So what do they do? They show us everything 15 seconds in the past. So we are all living in the past all the time.
SEAN PENN IS LOSING HIS LIB STREET CRED OVER CALLING OUT SISSY MEN Of course he is, because you're not allowed to say that masculinity is not bad anymore. Thandie Newton weighed in via Twitter if you care.
THIS GUY NEEDS TO SIGN UP FOR TRAINING AT DAMAGE FACTORY This is a perfect example of someone who should not be carrying a weapon. This dude shot up another car during rush hour.
COVID LOCKDOWNS DIDN'T WORK As new retroactive analysis shows they did not stop people from dying of Covid. At all. The difference was practically statistically insignificant while the economic and social impacts were devastating. Read about this study from Johns Hopkins here.
THIS DOG CAN JUMP Wow is all I can say.
I'VE WRITTEN AN OPEN LETTER TO DOUGLAS COUNTY TEACHERS And I sure hope you'll share it via Facebook, it's pinned at the top here.