Mandy's Thu Blog: Christian Toto's New Book, and Please Tell Me I'm Right!

PRE-ORDER CHRISTIAN TOTO'S NEW BOOK FOR CHRISTMAS! His new book "Virtue Bombs: How Hollywood Got Woke and Lost Its Soul" which you can pre-order RIGHT HERE. Find his fantastic entertainment website here.

CHARLES HARRINGTON ELSTER IS ON AT 2 FOR PLEASE TELL ME I'M RIGHT So get your word and grammar questions ready to go! Buy HIS amazing books which are perfect stocking stuffers by clicking here.

AURORA CITY COUNCIL MEMBER DANIELLE JURINSKY IS THE ONE WHO SUGGESTED RETENTION BONUSES FOR AURORA PD COPS And I've got her on to talk about it and the overall situation for the beleaguered force in Aurora. She's on at 1:35.

A NEIGHBOR HELPING A NEIGHBOR NEEDS YOUR HELP This guy named Mike in Parker who has taken it upon himself to help a woman who had been living under a bridge in Parker. Her name is Diana and she struggles with mental illness and ended up homeless when her husband passed away. Mike has been doing GoFundMe for her for about a year now to provide her a room in a hotel. He is having trouble raising money for her and she may end up under a bridge again. I urge you to give a few bucks, I know this is not a scam and I've given several times already. I am always reminded of my favorite Bible quote:

“From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked” Luke 12:48 at least it does to me. If you can donate, here is the link.

BAKER JACK PHILLIPS COULD USE SOME HELP TOO But he's not asking himself, a fundraiser has been set up to help by Jack a new delivery van. The last few years of fighting nuisance lawsuits over cakes has taken it's toll both on his business and his wallet and he needs a new(er) van to keep making deliveries that are so crucial to his business, especially now. Find the fundraiser for Jack here!

WHY IS OUR SECRETARY OF STATE ONLY ATTACKING CONVERSATIVE DARK MONEY GROUPS? Our blatantly partisan Secretary of State Jena Griswold is going after a so-called dark money group that is conservative. Even though the organization only spent 18% of the money it took in on nakedly political issues, which is allowed as a 501(c)4. But why wouldn't she look at a different organization which took in over 15 TIMES the money that they then spent on progressive causes the same way? An organization which spent 84% of its money on progressive causes? You already know the answer, but you should read this anyway.

ABOUT THAT DPS ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS FAMILIES OF COLOR PLAYGROUND NIGHT In case you missed it yesterday, this was the response from DPS about the segregated playground night at Centennial Elementary:

As you can see from my response, I am BEGGING any white families at Centennial Elementary to demand a White Family Playground Night just to show how idiotic and divisive this whole thing is. Not only is it idiotic and divisive, it's also unconstitutional under the Colorado Constitution. Dave Kopel from the Independence Institute explains how here.

MISS COLORADO IS AN ACTIVE DUTY SERVICE MEMBER! And this is SO COOL! Maura Spence Carroll is the first active duty service member to be Miss Colorado and she's competing in the Miss America pageant later this week. Read more here!

DO ANY OF YOU KNOW LIBERTY MEDIA'S JOHN MALONE? If so, please tell him I am BEGGING him to buy CNN after I saw this:

It really got me thinking about what would get me to watch cable news again. I'm afraid we are so polarized that even though we say we want balance, do we really? I'll discuss today or at some point.

JOURNALISTS WANT TO REDEFINE PUNDITRY AS JOURNALISM And I get the frustration that some journalists may have about being expected to be objective. They all have opinions they believe are valid and important, and they don't like the constraints journalism places on their ability to advocate for a certain position. Here's my suggestion for those journalists: ditch the journalist moniker and become an opinionator like me. Become a columnist where you can give your informed opinions if you'd like. But don't try to call yourself a journalist when you do it. Unfortunately, there is a school of thought that says journalists should NOT be bound by objectivity at ALL and it's spreading. Read about the latest skirmish here.

THIS JONAH GOLDBERG PIECE IS ONE OF THE REASONS I DON'T WATCH CABLE NEWS I like Jonah Goldberg. I think he's a brilliant writer and a conservative in the truest sense of the word. Is he perfect? Of course not, none of us are. When he decided to leave Fox News with a year left on his contract many on the right attacked him for it. In this column he shares the real reasons for leaving and they are not flattering to the talent at Fox, who clearly decided to sell their souls at the altar of Trump. Read it here. It's a pretty scathing indictment and based on my own personal experiences with some professional talking heads accurate.


THEY JUST ADDED 1.1 BILLION TO THE AIRPORT REMODEL This on top of the already committed $770 million already spent during the disastrous tenure of former DIA CEO Kim Day. So that brings the project up to 1.8 BILLION if you're keeping up at home. Oh, and it won't be done until 2028 now. That's just four years late. Oh, and the Denver City Council was given the 1.1 BILLION dollar contract about an hour before the meeting where they voted to approve it. That's what governance looks like in Denver.


LADY GAGA OPENS UP ABOUT TONY BENNETT'S ALZHEIMER'S DIAGNOSIS Ninety five year old Tony Bennett was diagnosed with Alzheimer's back in February and Lady Gaga, who has sung with him for ten years now, is talking about the diagnosis and how she still connects with him through music. It's very sweet and sad at the same time.

OMICRON IS HELLA CONTAGIOUS BUT NOT MUCH OF A BIG DEAL At least according to recent data on the variant. The virus replicates in lung tissue 70 times faster than previous variants, but doesn't cause serious illness in a vast majority of those infected. So there's that. Still no deaths FROM the omicron variant, although one Brit died WITH the variant.

SPEED LIMITS? WE DON'T NEED TO STINKING SPEED LIMITS That's the gist of this article on American's addiction to speed. I will admit I do not always go the speed limit on the highway, but I try my best on the roads through my towns and neighborhoods. Why do we love to speed? Because we can.

CORPORATIONS THAT SUPPORTED DEFUND THE POLICE ARE NOW BEGGING CONGRESS FOR HELP As their stores are being looted by organized gangs of criminals. The CEOs of Target, Nordstrom and others signed a letter begging Congress to do something about the crime wave that is looting their stores. Trouble is, they all supported organizations that were urging the defunding of police in order to not be called racists. They seem to have missed the irony of their current position. Go woke, go broke. Maybe they thought shoveling money to Black Lives Matter's Marxist organization that hates capitalism was going to protect them. Maybe ask for that money back to hire security?

IT'S TIME FOR THE CHRIS CUOMO MEMORIAL AWARD FOR THE WORST QUOTE OF THE YEAR This prestigious award is given annually by the Media Research Center and this year, we have a TIE! Your co-winners are:

THE SAME PARTY THAT TELLS US ROE CAN'T BE OVERTURNED Because of the sanctity of a Supreme Court decision is now arguing that the court needs to be blown up and replaced with way more justices. Why? Because their team isn't in charge anymore. Read more about Senator Liz "I'm an Indian" Warren's attempts to do just that here.

PROOF NANCY PELOSI HAS LOST HER DAMN MIND At a recent Democrat event, she said the following:

“it is an honor and, of course, a pleasure to be here at this time of challenge — and with the coronavirus, the national insecurity for families, natural disasters.”
“Our country could not be more — it could not be better served, than with this most experienced, capable hands than yours, President Biden. He‘s just perfect! The timing couldn’t be better,

She is clearly unwell.


WHEN YOU CAN'T PUT A BOOK DOWN This is very, very accurate.

SAN FRANCISCO'S MAYOR FINALLY CALLS OUT HER POLICIES THAT ARE RUINING SAN FRAN At least they are the policies of HER TEAM that have lead to the total degradation of a once beautiful city on the Bay. Read how she's gonna get tough on the policies that Dems have pushed for years. Mmkay. Good luck with that.

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