Mandy's Mon Blog: Larry Reed Talks Capitalism, Christmas, and Ancient Rome

ECONOMIC HISTORIAN LARRY REED TALKS CHRISTMAS AND CAPITALISM And also what the most famous historian to ever write about the fall of ancient Rome got wrong. Read the blog on Christmas and Capitalism here, the column on ancient Rome here and the column on figuring out progressives here.

HOW DO I GET A TRAFFIC LIGHT AT AN INTERSECTION? Sometimes I don't know things but you guys do so I thought I'd ask. Because of a significant bit of development in the part of DougCo where I live, the best way out of my neighborhood has become a nightmare during rush hour, as our road dumps out onto a busy road and there is no light there. When we moved in, this wasn't an issue, but progress. How do I get a light that will flash yellow during the slow part of the day but give us a signal when we need one? Has anyone done this? PLEASE HELP. I'm also making this a topic because with the rate of growth all over the place I can't be the only one.

I HAVE A BIG ANNOUNCEMENT AT 12:35 And it has to do with my last Saturday night where I plied Jim Gravina of Gravina's Window Center of Littleton with so much booze he agreed to let me do something crazy. If you need windows, you need to tune in. Just keep this number handy: 303-794-0490.

CALIFORNIA TOTALITARIAN GAVIN NEWSOM CREATING LAWS ABOUT GUNS BASED ON THE TEXAS ABORTION BILL And here is the slippery slope I mentioned when Texas decided to let anyone sue providers for an abortion they didn't like. Now Gavin Newsom wants to use that same strategy with assault weapons. He wants a law allowing "that would allow private citizens to sue "anyone who manufactures, distributes, or sells an assault weapon or ghost gun kit or parts in the State of California."" and he's got a point. There's a reason we don't craft laws that allow people to sue without established standing. He is wrong when he made the comment that since the Supreme Court allows states to craft laws without review by federal courts for abortion he's going to do the same with guns. Funny how he thinks this is life saving but an abortion ban isn't. He's wrong though, as the Supreme Court is allowing Texas to be sued in Federal Court over the law so that's coming. Also there is no clearly delineated right to kill babies in the Constitution, whereas there is a clearly delineated right to bear arms so it's not quite the same but go right ahead, Gavin.

OUR GOVERNOR LOVES MASK MANDATES AS LONG AS HE CAN BLAME SOMEONE ELSE I am trying to give the Governor some grace when it comes to his new laissez-faire management of covid, which I am very much a fan of, but just as I think he's all about the science he shows he's all about political posturing. Rather than tout the science that CLEARLY shows masks don't work here and here, he hedged when asked for clarification about an interview he did on CPR. In that interview he said, ""public health [officials] don’t get to tell people what to wear; that's just not their job." which is correct. But when pressed later, he amended his statement to a mealy mouthed one that said, "it is not the role of the state public health department to tell people what to wear. He wanted to be clear that he was referring to the state role because that word was not formally included in the remarks and wasn’t clear enough from the context." So to be clear, if a public health official at the LOCAL level tells you what to wear it's fine, but if the state public health official does, it's wrong. This muddled messaging is a huge problem. You either believe in the science or you don't. Period. I guess we should be glad he's running for re election next year. By the way, this was the same interview in which he declared the pandemic "over" for which I am eternally grateful.

DENVER'S DA SIDES WITH THE ACCUSED OVER THE VICTIMS How else could you explain her stunning testimony that letting criminals out of jail is the right thing to do, when she knows that 20% of the committed new crimes, some of them in "horrible ways" according to her own testimony? And yet, she did. Read more here.

ATTORNEY GENERAL PHIL WEISER HAD A FUNDRAISER IN HAWAII AND DIDN'T PAY FOR IT And now there is an ethics complaint about it. First off, shouldn't we expecting good explanations about why someone running for statewide office is fundraising in another state? Second, he held this fundraiser in a super swanky hotel where rooms cost $1,000 a night, yet the campaign says they only spent $438 on food and drinks. At a hotel like this, a drink costs at least 20 bucks, a soda 15 and they say they provided food AND drinks for $438? I'm calling foul. Read more here.

HOW PILOTS TORTURE NEW FLIGHT ATTENDANTS And I was victim to a prank and still sort of salty about it.

STUDIES SHOW EVERYTHING WE DID TO STOP COVID DIDN'T WORK And this article shows that more than 400 studies have shown that lockdowns were an unmitigated disaster, not stopping the spread of covid and leaving children in the dust. Please feel free to click through to all the underlying sources in this article about how badly governments managed the spread of covid. You need to gird your loins for the upcoming fights as overreacting governments try to lock us down again.

HOLY INFLATION, BATMAN, PRICES ARE SKY HIGH I had to do some serious shopping last week to get ready for my annual Christmas shindig and HOLY CRAP is stuff expensive. Is anyone else feeling sticker shock? According to this story the answer is yes.

JEFFCO BUSINESSES ARE NONE TOO HAPPY WITH SCAREMONGER COMSTOCK'S COMMENTS ABOUT SHOPPING There is no one more scared of covid that JeffCo Public Health Director Dawn Comstock. Watch this, and NOTE SHE'S WEARING A MASK ON A ZOOM CALL:

So to be clear, she is recommending that Jefferson County residents go to another county to shop. Businesses, who have been slammed with mandate after mandate from this power mad, anti-science maniac, are none too happy. Her scaremongering isn't working though. A new CBS poll shows a vast majority of Americans don't think omicron, which hasn't killed a SINGLE person, isn't that big of a deal and are going about their lives accordingly.

TIME NAMES ELON MUSK MAN OF THE YEAR And it's a good pick, as he is doing things to propel us forward at a far greater clip than anyone else. Read it all here. I find it interesting that he is selling off his fortune, maybe it's because he's getting ready to return to his home planet?

WISDOM FROM BETTY WHITE As she approaches her 100th birthday, Fox News gathered up some of her most memorable quotes and they are as delightful as she is. This is my personal favorite:

"I get bored with people who complain about this or that. It’s such a waste of time."

Exactly right, Betty.

THE QUEEN OF GOTH IS DEAD AT 80 And I would say Rest in Peace, Ann Rice but her novels have robbed me of so much sleep I'm not going to. Read more about the prolific horror novelist here.

THE BABYLON BEE REPORTS ON THE NEW DEFENSE STRATEGY FOR UKRAINE They report (falsely because it's a satire site) that Biden is sending two Border Patrol agents with reins to protect the border in the Ukraine.


CHRIS WALLACE ADMITS HE'S A LEFTY AND HEADS TO CNN And this column asks for a better replacement who might actually ask politicians questions that are interesting to those of us who don't live in the DC bubble.

WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DROP YOUR PHONE And this is accurate but he doesn't try to catch it with his foot enough.

KAMALA HARRIS IS HORRIBLE AND IT'S NOT BECAUSE SHE'S BLACK OR A DAME Those are the reasons being given by the left who are SUPER MAD about Peggy Noonan's latest column that correctly calls out the VP for being unserious and unprepared for pretty much anything. From the column, which is paywalled, sorry:

Her supporters grouse that she is criticized because she is a woman of color. Axios’ Jonathan Swann quoted some in August. They see “sexist overtones” and “gendered dynamics in press coverage.” This was echoed in this week’s Washington Post piece: Her defenders say criticism is steeped in “racism and sexism”; she faces a double standard “for women who are ambitious, powerful or simply unafraid to appear strong in public.”
But she doesn’t seem strong in public; she seems scattered and unprepared. And as Mr. Duran wrote in the Examiner, what prejudice there is, is “baked into our politics,” and a competent politician doesn’t blame bigotry but beats it.
Her real problems look more like this: She loves the politics of politics too much, and not the meaning. When people meet with her they come away saying that what she cares about is the politics of the issue, not the issue itself. But even as she’s obsessed with the game of national politics she’s not so far particularly good at it. When she sought the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020, she spectacularly flamed out.

If you continue to blame racism and sexism, there is a zero percent chance of any change by the woman who is a heartbeat away from the Presidency. Just saying. Read this to see some of the predictable reaction.

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