Mandy's Tue Blog: Some Worthy Charities and The FUTURE with Thomas Frey!

TODAY IS COLORADO GIVES DAY! This is the day we are asked to open up our wallets and give a little something to help out our fellow Coloradans. If you've never given and want to give, THANK YOU! The website is right here. If you have no clue what I'm talking about, read this:

Colorado Gives Day is Tuesday, December 7, and features a $1 Million+ Incentive Fund. Every nonprofit receiving a donation on Colorado Gives Day receives a portion of the fund, increasing impact and the value of every dollar donated. Colorado Gives Day has grown to be Colorado's largest one-day online giving event, raising more than $307 million since it began in 2010. 

I'll have Dana Davis from the Children's Diabetes Foundation on as well as Paul Scudo from Step Denver because I work with these clients and believe so much in their missions. If neither of these missions touch your heart, I recommend the following charities as organizations that do the right thing with their missions and spend their money very frugally. I hope this helps!

CHILDREN'S DIABETES FOUNDATION This is the premiere space for those with Type 1 diabetes in the nation and we are so lucky to have it here. Find Children's Diabetes Foundation by clicking here.

STEP DENVER This organization literally takes broken, addicted men and helps them get their lives back by building up their personal responsibility and work ethic. Click here for Step Denver.

THE MOTORCYCLE RELIEF PROJECT This is a great organization that helps veterans manage PTSD, depression, or anxiety with long motorcycle rides with other veterans. Click here to donate!

SUPPORT A SOLDIER This group supplies non-lethal equipment to troops serving in combat zones. Everything from sunglasses to night vision goggles to upgraded Kevlar, all designed to help them come home safely. Click here for Support a Soldier.

THE HONOR BELL FOUNDATION They serve a simple purpose, that all who have sacrificed for our nation get the proper respectful tribute upon their deaths. Click here for The Honor Bell Foundation.

THE INDEPENDENCE INSTITUTE Most of you probably don't realize how much the Independence Institute does to slow the flow of tyranny in Colorado. They do a LOT, and they need our money to do more. Click here for the Independence Institute.

If none of these float your boat, maybe consider a donation to the Colorado Women's Alliance so they can continue their good work representing the issues important to Colorado Women to politicians. Click here for them! Or you can support The Other Side Academy, which is like Step Denver but they accept women too. Find them here.

OUR FUTURIST THOMAS FREY IS ON AT 2! And I'm going to ask him about this article Dave sent me last week where a bunch of futurists talk about what they think is happening, plus he always brings good stuff to the table. Find out more about Thomas or listen to his podcast by clicking here!

THIS IS A GREAT ARTICLE THAT REVIEWS THE MASK SCIENCE I TALK ABOUT ALL THE TIME It came out a little while ago but is totally worth your time. Be sure and click through the links to check his work if you must. Masks don't work.

MASSIVE NEW STUDY SHOWS THAT KIDS DO NOT DIE OF COVID WITHOUT PRE EXISTING ISSUES And this is the second study to show how little children need to worry about covid. This one is large out of Germany and clearly shows that children don't suffer serious illness or die with covid. But let's force them to get a vaccine that is giving teen boys myocarditis unnecessarily. Follow the science, people. Follow the science.

HEIDI GANAHL IS ACCEPTING SPENDING CAPS FOR HER RACE FOR GOVERNOR I did not know this was a thing, but in Colorado, a candidate can voluntarily accept a spending cap on their campaign. Why would you do this? Ostensibly the bill was designed to take the money out of politics I'm sure, but let's be real, the citizenry are the only ones who want that. It does allow her to accept more from individual donors, which is good. It will also be a nice contrast when Governor Polis proceeds to try to buy himself re election. Read the ins and outs of this here.

IF ALL BLACK PEOPLE FEEL LIKE THIS IT MUST BE EXHAUSTING TO BE BLACK And honestly I understood more after reading this how far apart we are on race in this country. This story is about a black woman in the predominantly black and Latin neighborhood of Inglewood, California. This ENTIRE COLUMN is about how she felt when she set up a little free library in front of her home and *GASP* white people stopped to browse the books. I pity her for her inability to simply see people like her, who loved books, instead of white interlopers in her carefully cultivated "black space". We will never solve this problem if this is how it is to be black. I can't fix that no matter how many White Fragility's I read.

WHERE ARE COLORADO WORKERS GOING WHEN THEY QUIT? This article tries to tackle the question I've been asking about how people are living if they quit their jobs. The answer is still not clear, other than people starting their own businesses like mad and trying to find a job that works perfectly with their lifestyles. Good luck. I kind of feel like there will be a massive bounceback into the job market in the next six months as many of those businesses fail. We shall see and I hope I'm wrong for YOU if you started a business!

THE NEW JETSON ONE CAN GO 63 MPH... FOR 20 MINUTES I see an issue with my Jetson One car that no one has bought me yet. It can only go for 20 minutes at a time. That is inconvenient until you consider how FAR you can go in 20 minutes as the crow flies with no traffic. I still want one.

READING RAINBOW IS COMING BACK! And I can't say I ever watched the original with LeVar Burton but many parents are super excited to see this reboot. I think it's funny they are touting the diversity of the new cast as the old cast was a black dude.

HOW ABOUT A LITTLE HAWAIIAN CHRISTMAS MUSIC? Because why not. John Driskel Hopkins is the bass player for the Zac Brown Band and this version of this song is spectacular.

AOC THINKS THE SMASH AND GRABS AREN'T HAPPENING Because apparently she doesn't watch any news whatsoever with the images of the smashed display cases and spaces where the stolen goods went. Let's just say Republicans pounced on this one.

TODAY WE MARK 80 YEARS SINCE THE ATTACKS ON PEARL HARBOR And this is an excellent column that reminds us of just what happened as well as reminding us not to get complacent in our lives.

LOSING YOUR COOL OR EXTREME EXERCISE MAY LEAD TO STROKES This is very interesting. A new study showed that 1 in 11 stroke victims were extremely upset an hour before their stroke, and one in twenty had engaged in "extreme exercise". Note to self: stay chill and exercise unextremely.

SWITZERLAND HAS APPROVED DEATH PODS TO MAKE SUICIDE EASY And this is so weird and feels so wrong I'm not sure what to think about it. Not the method itself which feels very humane, but the notion that someone can take an online survey and get the code to go kill themselves. THAT IS BAD.

NO ONE WANTS A SECOND JOE BIDEN TERM And this new poll has to be TERRIFYING for Dems as they try to figure out a way to win going forward. A whopping 22% of Americans want Joe Biden to run again. That's just really really sad. But also really really funny.

SO NOW WE NEED TO WORRY ABOUT KAMIKAZE DRONES Which are of course a thing and going to be a huge problem because terrorists will use them on people. Read more here, but be ready to be totally freaked out.

WHEN YOU'RE HOME ALONE AND HEAR A NOISE This is remarkably accurate.

DUDE, THIS TIME LAPSE PUMPKIN IS AMAZING It ended up weighing 1322 pounds!

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