Mandy's Wed Blog: Dr. Douglas is a Complete Hypocrite and Fool

GREG LOPEZ WANTS TO BE YOUR GOVERNOR And I've got the former mayor of Parker on today at 1 to talk about the upcoming elections and why you need to pay attention and vote carefully. Find out more about Greg by clicking here!

A CARTER APPOINTED JUDGE RULED AGAINST DOUGCO PUBLIC HEALTH YESTERDAY And why should you care if you don't live in Douglas County? Because if this ruling is allowed to stand it could mean that your kids could be forced into masks every year there is any sort of respiratory viral outbreak that COULD MAYBE be hard for kids with pre existing conditions to deal with. Because that is EXACTLY what the lawsuit is arguing, that everyone else must be forced to wear masks because these parents are afraid that their children would not do well with Covid. I'd love to know if these parents allow their children to leave their homes at all, as the entire world is not masked up. Do they require everyone at the grocery store to mask up? Do they go to restaurants? Are they ever around the general public? I'm genuinely curious.

IF YOUR CHILD IS A DOUGCO STUDENT WHO STRUGGLES BECAUSE OF MASKS, WE NEED YOUR HELP As this group of parents are using their children, it has become necessary to find families on the OTHER side of this mask issue who would be willing to come forward and work with DougCo to be a face for the other side of this suit. You can reach out to me and I can connect you with the appropriate sources.

TRI COUNTY HEALTH'S DR. JOHN DOUGLAS COULDN'T KEEP A MASK ON FOR A WHOLE MINUTE But this is the guy who tells us it's no big deal to keep our kids in them for eight to ten hours a day. Watch this steaming pile of crap. BIG THANKS to Johanna Mowry for taking this and posting it!

In case you can't quite hear, as he takes off his mask he actually says "we have masks in school but if you'll forgive me". Forgive him? For not living by the same rules he has inflicted on children? He can eff right off. I forgive him nothing. I hate all these people right now.

AND NOW A WORD FROM YOUR PRESIDENT If you can understand the gibberish that comes out of this fools mouth.

BOULDER VALLEY SCHOOL BOARD'S RECALL IS BEING TARGETED BY ACTIVISTS WHILE THEY COLLECT SIGNATURES If you don't think someone should be recalled, don't sign the petition. Except in Boulder where a man who is so brave he is wearing a mask OUTSIDE stops by to harass them in this video. From the people I've heard from this is EXACTLY what happens every time they set up. The current BVSB is so scared of losing control of your children that they resort to this. Watch the exchange with the police in the second video if it embeds properly. They think they need to protect people from being lied to. That's rich.

Media: Mandy Connell

ABOUT THAT ISSUE WITH EMPLOYERS NOT CALLING PEOPLE BACK I got an email after yesterday's story about potential employees filling out tons of applications then not getting anything back, or getting ghosted later and I got this email:

From:***** ***** <********>
Sent:Tuesday, October 26, 2021 4:27 PM
To:Connell, Mandy <>
Subject:[EXTERNAL] Employment/Employer Issues
Good Afternoon,
I believe you spoke about this on your show today, I wasn't able to listen, but I wanted to add my own story.
I have been looking for work, and one of the most annoying stories I have about how employers behave badly is for a job for which I have plenty of experience, so I applied. They called me within 30 minutes after I applied, and I spent about an hour on the phone with Owner 1, then was asked to come in for an in-person interview and Owner 1 would interview me over lunch. 
I live in Longmont and the job was in Castle Rock (we were planning on moving to Denver as my husband's job is in Denver and the drive was getting to be too much). I drove to Castle Rock for my "lunch" interview, and when I arrived, it appeared as though Owner 1 forgot I was coming for an in-person interview. Lunch was never mentioned. I spent an hour with Owner 1 and was invited back to meet Owner 2 and the rest of the team the following day. During my first interview, I let it slip that I had driven from Longmont (I shouldn't have said anything as I prefer to keep it all about business and don't allow personal stuff in my interviews).
The second in-person interview was at 6:30 am to meet the team. I got up at 4:00 am to get ready, left my house at around 5:00 am, and arrived for the interview a few minutes before 6:30 am. Yes, I watched the sun rise on my 1.25 hour drive.
The second in-person interview lasted two hours and fifteen minutes, the second owner ("Owner 2") really only talked about himself and didn't ask me a thing. I was able to interact with a few of the other team members. The team interview was kind of chaotic and there seemed to be no goal or strategy on their part.
At the end of the interview, I got a handshake from Owner 2 and a hug from Owner 1, because as Owner 1 said, "We hug around here!" Owner 1 told me they needed to make a quick decision so I would hear something either later that day or the following day, which was a Friday. They did announce during the interview to the rest of the team that I had driven from Longmont to interview with them.
I never heard anything. I couldn't decide whether to call them and make them fess up to the fact that they said they would be calling me to let me know either way either that day or the next, but then I decided to move on with my life.
I don't have to get every job offer, but if you are adult enough to hire people, you need to be adult enough to make the hard phone calls.
What these companies don't seem to understand is that the people they treat badly are potential customers. Or not. Just like a company with bad customer service, I tell my story of how poorly this company treats people. An interesting part of the story is that Owner 1 told me that just before the job I was applying for was posted, 3/4 of their staff quit and they needed to rebuild. Hmmmm...
I have come across companies advertising one job title, but the actual job is more complicated and has more responsibility so they don't have to pay what the real job is worth. I know someone who was flown in for a three-day job interview and literally never heard anything back. 
It's a battle out here and not for the faint-hearted and some employers really need to get it together. 
Thanks for taking the time to read my story.

Just thought I'd share in case you are employer complaining about not being able to hire people.

THE AURORA PD IS SO SHORT STAFFED THEY CAN'T FILL SRO SPOTS And now there will be Arapahoe County Sheriff's Deputies filling those roles for the time being. Auroran, is this good enough for you? Your anti-cop City Council seems to to think so. (To be clear, not ALL Aurora City Council members are anti-cop, just the dumb ones).

A NOBEL PRIZE IS GIVEN FOR THE WORST CLIMATE MODELING And this is how we continue down the line of following garbage science and making huge policy decisions on the "experts". This year's Nobel prize winner for physics is Syukuro Manabe, who has been a pioneer in the development of so-called general circulation climate models (GCMs) and more comprehensive Earth System Models (ESMs). According to the Committee, Manabe was awarded the prize “For the physical modelling of the earth’s climate, quantifying variability, and reliably predicting global warming.” Too bad is his model is spectacularly wrong in the real world.

BABY BOOMERS ARE BOOMERANGING BACK TO THEIR PARENTS And this story is not as weird to me as it is to Dave. The pandemic has led many Boomers to move back in with their elderly parents. Why? A variety of reasons from relationship and job woes to the more standard taking care of mom and dad. Is this weird? I don't think it's that weird.

PRESIDENT BRANDON CAN'T STOP TELLING A FAKE STORY And now he's SWEARING that it's true, Mike Rosen style. It's the already totally debunked story about a conductor telling Old Joe how many miles he'd travelled on Amtrak. It did NOT happen, and yet, here he is again.

DENVER IS THE NINTH RATTIEST CITY IN THE COUNTRY At least according to Orkin, who releases the list based on their service calls across the country. More rats than before downtown, that's for sure.


MORT SAHL IS DEAD AND I THOUGHT HE WAS ALREADY The man was 94 and has been out of the public eye for some time. Without him would we have had Lenny Bruce or Dave Chappelle? Maybe not. Read more here.

ALEC BALDWIN MAY NOT BE OFF THE HOOK JUST YET As the DA in the county investigating the accidental shooting death of the cinematographer on his movie Rust says charges are on the table. We'll see who gets charged, but I don't see how if charges are filed they aren't filed against Baldwin at least.



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