CHARLES HARRINGTON ELSTER IS ON DECK AT 1 To tell you are either are or aren't correct about your grammar or word questions. Get them ready!
A LOCAL TEAM WON THE GREAT FOOD TRUCK RACE! And I've got Brad Brutlag, Eddy Cumming, Mike O'Neill on today to talk about the big win for the Big Stuff food truck last night. Watch the episode here! Find the Big Stuff food truck at place near you by clicking here!
Y'ALL IF THE DEMS DON'T SEND THE ARTICLES TO THE SENATE THAT TELLS YOU EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW Word on Capitol Hill is that House Democrats are urging Speak Pelosi to hold the Articles of Impeachment they passed yesterday instead of sending them to the Senate. Why? They think by holding the articles they can force Senate Republicans to concede to Democratic demands for witnesses and whatnot during the Senate trial. Ms. Pelosi also is demanding a pledge of "fairness" from Mitch McConnell. And apparently she demanded it without bursting out laughing. This column makes the case that this bit of drama completely demonstrates that this was not about the Constitution or saving the Republic or any of the other garbage Pelosi is spewing, it's just a political weapon to smear the President.
I'M TELLING YOU, MITCH MCCONNELL IS SUPER READY FOR THIS FIGHT and he's already responded to Chuck Schumer's demands for an outline of how the Democrats can call witnesses to try and shore up their exceedingly weak case by simply saying that the Senate will follow the rules for the trial that were passed unanimously by the Senate in the LAST impeachment. Your move, Chuck.
IMPEACHMENT SEEMS TO BE ENERGIZING THE BASE...FOR REPUBLICANS And this is not a no-big-deal thing. The GOP hauled in over $20 million in November alone. Plus, polling about voter enthusiasm is startling compared to traditional percentages. Normally the party in power is less enthusiastic about upcoming elections, but at this point, Republicans are MORE enthusiastic about next year's election than Democrats. Whoopsie. This could be a huge losing gamble for Dems.
I'M SURE NOTHING COULD GO WRONG WITH INVINCIBLE ROBOTS INSECTS And now they are a thing that's been invented in Switzerland.
I WATCHED THIS VIDEO ON SPAM AND NOW YOU SHOULD TOO And I'm talking the delicious canned pork product.
GOVERNOR JARED POLIS COSTS COLORADO BIG TO PUSH IS ENVIRONMENTAL AGENDA And he did so by refusing to ask the EPA to excuse us from pollution we don't create. Let me make this clear. Former Governor John Hickenlooper worked with the EPA to make sure we weren't held liable for pollution that drifts over from places like China. Polis decided not to do that so now Colorado is on the hook for penalties and more oversight that will undoubtedly make it even harder to do business here and force us to pay them more of our money. And he's doing this so he can force us all into electric cars and expensive and unreliable trains. Thanks Jared! I'm sure for rich folks like you, but the rest of us would prefer not to waste money.
PROPERTY TAXES ARE PUTTING BUSINESSES OUT OF BUSINESS IN DENVER Because as property values have skyrocketed there have been no adjustments to the commercial property tax rates, which are stupid high in my opinion. A recent meeting brought the situation to light as business owners met to discuss how they are being crushed by their massive property taxes.
DIET DRINKS MAKE YOU FAT But not because they have calories, but because the people who drink them make up for the sugar they are missing in other ways. Read this for the details.
CHECKING INTO A HOTEL? JUST DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING And I mean it. There have been exposes about how badly the glasses are cleaned in hotel rooms, how nasty the remote control, the comforter and hair dryer are, and now it's come to this. That chair you viewed as the last bastion of cleanliness hope? Nope, it's nasty too.
I'VE SAID DUMB THINGS BEFORE But not like this. I usually don't pick on other hosts who have been caught up in a controversy about something dumb they said, but this one is worthy of mention. Just like you don't make Holocaust jokes, or Hitler jokes, or racist jokes, you really shouldn't joke about a school shooting. A local radio host did. And now the show has been cancelled.
A VEGAN COUPLE IS CHARGED WITH MURDER for the death of their 18 month old child, who weighed just 17 pounds when he died. They told police their children only ate raw vegetables and fruit, but apparently there was more evidence of neglect. The parents were facing manslaughter charges, but it's been upped to murder.
AND NOW, NINE HOURS OF A CAT RIDING A ROOMBA and I'm not even kidding. You're welcome.
YOU SHOULD PROBABLY WATCH THAT INSTEAD OF THE NEW CATS MOVIE I am on record as being one of those people who HATES the musical Cats. Why? It's insipid, it has ONE song anyone knows and the story is nonsensical and stupid. So of course they made a movie of it. To say the reviews are not kind is an understatement. Here's one.
SPEAKING OF CRAPPY REVIEWS, HELLO STAR WARS The new Star Wars movie is being SAVAGED by critics and longtime fans alike. I stopped caring about Star Wars some time ago, so this doesn't concern me, but it's sort of funny to watch the SW nerds melt down on social media.
AND WITH THIS, THE ACLU OFFICIALLY JUMPS THE SHARK Though it's been headed there for some time now. The ACLU is now demanding that tampons and other sanitary items be stocked in men's rooms to achieve "menstrual equality" for trans and gender spectrum types. I have nothing to say about this because why.