Can We Just Stop Making Wonderful Things Bad on Thursday?

CONGRESSMAN KEN BUCK IS ON TO TALK IMPEACHMENT AT 1:30 And he sat on the committee which questioned Constitutional attorneys yesterday, watch him at work here.

IT'S ASK THE LAWYER WITH GARY BELL FROM BELL AND POLLOCK TODAY AT 2PM so if you've got legal questions, now is the time to get some FREE legal advice from my friend and lawyer Gary Bell. Find out more about Bell and Pollock by clicking here.

CAN WE PLEASE JUST LEAVE CHRISTMAS ALONE? Woke culture seems to exist for the sole reason of ruining ANYTHING that could possibly bring joy to anyone else. Take for example, now Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer is being attacked for it's bullying of the little red nosed reindeer. When you get right down to it, the story of Rudolph is one of someone who feels like an outside because he is misunderstood and has a talent that is underappreciated. Then, one foggy night, his talent is revealed to be the saving grace of Santa and all his reindeer and the little reindeer rises to prominence not in SPITE of his oddity, but BECAUSE of his oddity. It's a story that speaks to anyone who is different, anyone who has talents that are underappreciated but then achieves at a high level. But not to the woke scolds out there. Read this nonsense here.

AND NOT CHRISTMAS CARDS ARE OUT TOO At least at one British school where the headmaster sent out a very self important email that says:

Got that? To save the world we must give up Christmas cards. But why stop there? Why not give up paper in schools? We probably waste a tremendous amount of paper as students try to learn their math lessons and whatnot. Just go back to individual chalk boards, or better yet, let's not have books AT ALL either. We can just go back to the oral tradition as that has the lowest carbon footprint. Where does this end? I bet all these children will be breathless with anticipation for their Christmas gifts, but do we really need THOSE? I mean these children have running water and indoor plumbing, isn't that enough? Because every one of those presents has a carbon footprints.

EVERY PARENT OF A TODDLER KNOWS THIS SCENE WELL A Utah comedian nailed it with this one.

I GUESS THEY COULDN'T FIND A TAUNTAUN TO HOLE UP IN. A Utah couple has some new family members after they found three Newfoundland puppies living in a sheep carcass in the woods. the puppies were cold and covered with ice but otherwise doing just fine.

YOU DON'T WANT A POT SHOP NEAR YOUR HOUSE Because non-violent property crime ticks up on blocks where pot shops are located. Now there may be pot shops in residential areas I don't know about, but I drive by shops that are mostly in areas that are either sort of industrial or business only. Are you in a situation where a pot shop has come to live and crime went up? I'd love to know.

TAKE THAT YOU DIRTY MONKEYS An Indian farmer was fed up with the nuisance monkeys destroying stuff on his property so he took a drastic measure. He painted tiger stripes on his dog. It worked and kept the monkeys at bay.

THE DOUGCO SCHOOL BOARD IS LEAVING PARENTS HANGING ON IT'S MEDICAL MARIJUANA POLICY And this article describes the frustration felt by parents like Brad Wann, whose son gets significant relief for his epilepsy from medical marijuana he takes orally. He is NOT allowed to bring it to school unless his parents come to school and administer it to him. He's 18 years old. They are not the only family in this situation. And School Board President David Ray has lied to them and refused to give them any idea with the board may revisit the policy.

WILL THE IMPEACHMENT VOTE BE BIPARTISAN? As House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has her folks draw up the articles of impeachment, let's go back and revisit the requirements she laid out for impeachment previously.

So? Do you think this will be bipartisan? I don't. But here we are.

GEORGE ZIMMERMAN IS SUING THE FAMILY OF THE BOY HE KILLED and I know he was acquitted, but DAMN man. He's suing the family, a lawyer and some other people for $100 million dollars. Read about it here.

NOW YOU DON'T HAVE TO BUY THAT PESKY TICKET TO GET AIRLINE FOOD! There is now a CHAIN of restaurants in Asia that serve the airline meals from AirAsia. I don't even know what to say about this. And I've had some good airline food in my life, but no.

FLYING SOON? HERE ARE ALL THE DISGUSTING THINGS YOU'LL TOUCH ON AN AIRPLANE and honestly I wish I didn't know this now. I already wipe down the arm rests and tray tables, and now I apparently need to add the headrest as well. Gross. Just gross. BUT IF I HAVE TO KNOW THIS YOU DO TOO.

RAND PAUL WANTS TO LET YOU TAKE OUT YOUR 401K MONEY TO PAY OFF STUDENT DEBT and I think this is a great idea. Read it here.

GOOD GRIEF WHAT HAVE WE DONE TO DATING? Dear God, thank you for my husband so I don't have to date, Amen. Dating seems horrific these days. Now we have a whole bunch of horrible sounding words specifically created to outline the horrors of dating in this day and age.

ONE OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL WITNESSES BROUGHT BARON TRUMP INTO HER TESTIMONY And no one in the news media seems to have much of an issue with it. Check it out here.

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